This was a week of reshuffling and resetting. On Friday, President Obama announced the resignation of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Yes, the Obamacare signup system was initially botched, but Sebelius also presided over a historic expansion of medical coverage, with the number of uninsured Americans having dropped to 2008 levels. On Thursday, David Letterman further shook up late night TV by announcing his replacement would be Stephen Colbert. As brilliant as he's been as "Stephen Colbert," it'll be exciting to see the full Colbert in action. Meanwhile, the Heartbleed computer bug reminded us how vulnerable we are to technology. As we take the time to strengthen our computer security by resetting passwords, we should also take the opportunity to fortify our inner strength and well-being by reminding ourselves to regularly "consciously uncouple" from our ever-present devices.