Vergara v. California Decision: Teacher Tenure Is Not the Problem
Tuesday's decision in the Vergara v. State of California case came as a surprise to me, a California public school teacher, since I am well aware of the power that our state's teachers' unions are...
View ArticleEl Salvador: We Can Help Usher in a New Era of Peace with Justice
People's Inaugural celebration, June 1, 2014, San Salvador, photo by the author The Honduran soldier at the checkpoint had a large rifle slung over his shoulder. He looked to be no more than...
View ArticleWhere There's a Will, There's No Way
For years, as a lifelong diehard Chicago Cubs fan, people have asked me about George Will who himself is such a public and outspoken fan of the team. And they've asked if I've read his writing about...
View ArticleOn Immigration, the Tea Party Remains an Important Outlier
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's startling upset at the hands of college professor Dave Brat, a political novice, has sent shockwaves through the political world, and set off a round of speculation...
View ArticlePride in Deval Patrick
June is the perfect time to salute political leaders who have fought for and stood by us. It is, after all, Pride Month. A decade after the nation's first marriages of gay couples in Massachusetts, it...
View ArticleWhy Father's Day Is a Sacred Day for Me
It has been a little over a year and a half since I received the news that my dad would not survive injuries he received from a bike riding accident. This shocking news just seemed impossible! I didn't...
View ArticleTo Get More People Covered, Give Them More Affordable Choices
In the first year of enrollment under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of Americans have gained access to health insurance coverage. This accomplishment is an important milestone for the country...
View ArticleSoul Murder
All men are created equal. All chattel are insured... I saw the movie Belle the other day and a piece of it got stuck in my head. The costume drama, set in England in the 1780s, hinged on a real...
View ArticleThe Vergara Decision May Have a Silver Lining
The decision in the Vergara case was issued Tuesday by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge, who agreed with the plaintiffs' constitutional challenge to several state statutes that provide job...
View ArticleGiuliani's Record on Security: Noun, Verb, Bernard Kerik
While Stephanopoulos did the necessary mea culpa in response to the explosive web reaction following his botched Giuliani interview, the larger question we should be asking is why the media continue to...
View ArticleOn the Karma of a Country
According to the World Health Organization, about 151,000 civilians were killed in bomb attacks and other violence in Iraq in the first three years after America invaded Iraq. Yet here's Roger Cohen...
View ArticleHow Government Can (Finally) Start Paying for Success
Government doesn't always work as well as it should, but there are solutions. Today, we released new research on the five steps to implementing a pay for success (PFS) project. This is a new concept...
View ArticleMom's Equal Pay Day Highlights How Far We Still Have to Go
When 9to5 member Kiki Peppard was a young mom she had 19 different job interviews where she was denied employment because she had to reveal the fact that she was a single mom. For last two decades she...
View ArticleLessons of the Cantor: Arrogant Insiders, Angry Outsiders
Pundits are always very quick to come up with the key reason that something surprising (something that none of them predicted) happened politically. Because these explanations are usually off the top...
View ArticlePrime Minister Modi and the U.S.: First a Visa. What Is in the Cards Next?
Before Narendra Modi was elected Prime Minister of India, it was widely reported that he had been denied a visa to visit the United States in 2005 because he did not intervene to stop bloody riots in...
View ArticleA Bright Future for Democrats
All the pundits are writing about what Eric Cantor's loss means to the Republican Party. Democratic politicians are wisely keeping quiet, not wanting to appear like they're gloating at someone else's...
View ArticleThe Father's Day Profiteers That Put Hallmark to Shame
This Sunday, more than a million families will face a huge Father's Day problem, and it's not figuring out which tie pattern dad would like best. It's the astronomical cost of wishing him a Happy...
View ArticleMove Over Bake Sale...
This is a strange and inconsistent moment for school food in the U.S. At the same time that we are arguing for healthier meals in the cafeterias, we also have a long-standing tradition of turning our...
View ArticleWorld Cup More Than a Game for Dilma Rousseff
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was on hand for Thursday's World Cup opener in São Paulo cheering on the home team, which is without a doubt the republic's most popular state entity. Thanks to a...
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