Freedom of (Hate?) Speech
It's old news now about Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty being suspended by A&E for comments made in an interview with GQ magazine. As millions of fans show their support for Robertson, as usual,...
View ArticleElizabeth Warren Comes Down Hard Against Global Warming, Separates Herself...
On Friday, December 20th, Democratic U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren finally separated herself clearly from former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, regarding the issue of climate change and...
View ArticleThe Battle of Bedford Falls
It's that time of year: The time when I go around quoting from my favorite holiday movies, especially It's A Wonderful Life, the 1946 classic starring Jimmy Stewart. One particular line from the Frank...
View Article20 Ways Obama and Democrats Have Betrayed the World
Barack Obama is right wing in virtually all of his policies, but because he is a Democrat and African-American, he is given a free pass by many liberals (similar to how he gets criticized by much of...
View ArticleHiding in Plain Sight
I am standing in a Mandee's, looking at necklaces for my daughter for Christmas. They are buy one get one half price, and I'm debating if it's worth the $14. Will she wear it? Or should I buy socks and...
View ArticleThe ACA Will Help, Not 'Frustrate,' the Middle Class
Look, I'm as ready as the next guy to call out the Obama administration for the shoddy rollout of the ACA. I'm also confident that at the end of the day, as the exchanges become more accessible and as...
View ArticleThe Ghost of Christmas Present: Who Will Care for Our Children This Christmas?
There has never been a better time for us to read A Christmas Carol and to let Dickens' ghosts help us to see more clearly what lies in plain view. Unlike Scrooge before his conversion, most of us...
View Article10 Reasons Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Is NOT Entitled to His Opinion
"The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously." -- Hubert H. Humphrey The brouhaha over "Duck Dynasty" "star" Phil Robertson's thoughtless and, in my opinion,...
View Article'Green Shoots': The Year in Wall Street Reform
One year ago a good argument could have been made for cynicism and despair, at least when it came to financial reform. More than four years after an epidemic of Wall Street fraud took down the economy,...
View ArticleUruguay, Little Trailblazer That Could
As 2013 hurtles to a close, Uruguay has been receiving an avalanche of worldwide recognition. London's The Guardian called the entire country "heroic" and said that it deserved a Nobel Peace Prize,...
View ArticleOverplaying President Obama's Supposed Second Term Hex
President Obama's slumping approval numbers seem to confirm the belief that second term presidents run into trouble, sometimes big trouble, in trying to hold it together during their second term. In...
View ArticleV Is for Victim
"Everybody hates me and they're out to get me." Do you remember that kid from kindergarten? He was the least fun kid in class. When things didn't go his way, he pouted and cried and pleaded for...
View ArticleBarack Obama and Raul Castro: More Than a Handshake?
Nelson Mandela, even after his death, promoted peace and reconciliation among nations and civility between leaders. His funeral has brought about the refreshing image of Presidents Raul Castro and...
View ArticleChange With Cuba in President Obama's Hands
How then can we expect to be the prime mover in the complex affairs of the world, if we lack the courage here at home to redefine U.S.-Cuban relations? Change is in the hands of the president -- and...
View Article"Putting Majority Back Into Democracy"
Congratulations to the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the majority party, Senate Democrats. The passive bear was poked too many times and woke up to the sick and sad reality of a broken...
View ArticleLives in the Balance: The Hidden Erosion of Safe Hospital Care
With all the clamor over the website woes of the rollout of the Affordable Care Act finally ebbing, let's hope the media can begin to notice some changes in the delivery of health care that will have...
View ArticleUtah's First, Legal Same-Sex Wedding Starts Marriage Snowball
Upon hearing of the news, Michael Adam Ferguson and J. Seth Anderson rushed to the Salt Lake County Clerk's office on Friday and requested a legal and binding license to be married. Likely the first...
View ArticleLooking at a Bigger Picture: Criminals and Rogue Organizations Within
We have big problems that are currently out of control and taking our nation careening towards a future that is dangerously out of control. We have, deeply ensconced within our power infrastructures,...
View ArticleLive from Bethlehem: The Goldman Sachs 2013 Christmas Story
Swaddled in Baby Gap, little Jesus appears to be crying. Mary tries to gently rock him in her hands, certainly a great moment to remind viewers that you are in good hands with Allstate. The carpenter...
View ArticleThe Most Misogynistic Law I've Ever Seen
When I was 18, I was raped. Prior to this month, I could probably count the number of people that knew that about me on one hand. It isn't something I had ever wanted to discuss publicly, much less...
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