Fed Up With Inequality? Six Policies for a Fair and Inclusive Society
Almost three years to the date since Occupy Wall Street first raised the consciousness of Americans about the wide economic disparities between the richest one percent versus the 99 percent of U.S....
View ArticleCampaign Finance Reform: Making Gains on the State Level
When voters go to the polls, they deserve as much information as possible in making decisions about our government. Unfortunately, self-determination, one of the rights we hold most dear is under...
View ArticleDems Can Win on Social Security: By Fighting to Increase It
A new poll confirms that voters don't just want their Social Security benefits protected, they want them expanded - in overwhelming numbers, across geographical distances, and crossing all party lines....
View ArticleThe Drug War and the Mass Incarceration It Caused: Where We Are and Where We...
Intro To understand the continued outrage and "righteous indignation" of the black community of Ferguson is to understand the excessive policing and harassing, segregation, unequal political...
View ArticleDon't Label Teens Dying in Our Streets -- We Mourn Them All
By Laurie Uttich UCF Forum columnist Michael Brown was "no angel," The New York Times reported, and "a handful" who later "overcame early struggles in school to graduate on time." Trayvon Martin was a...
View ArticleTake a Deep Breath and Build a Coalition to Confront ISIS
As people who have been studying and, at times, directly involved in, counter-terrorism efforts in the U.S. since 9/11, we have been disappointed in the over-hyped public reaction to the emergence of...
View ArticleWhen Star Talent Grew More Powerful Than Capital
This post first appeared on Harvard Business Review's blog, and is posted in conjunction with the publication of the October 2014 issue of the magazine's feature article, "The Rise (and Likely Fall) of...
View ArticleBig Win in California, But More to Do
Six and a half million Californians will have reason to celebrate today after Governor Jerry Brown signs the Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act (AB 1522). For 44 percent of the state's population...
View ArticleFive Ways to End the Drug War; Start by Decriminalizing Drug Use
The international drug control regime is broken. Past approaches premised on a punitive law enforcement paradigm have failed, emphatically so. They have resulted in more violence, larger prison...
View ArticleTed Cruz Attacks Dreamers To Win the November Midterm Election
Ted Cruz needs something, badly. He can't rally Tea Party support without it, and he can't, then, win the Oval Office in 2016. The Republican senator from Texas needs a new Other. It was easy for 2008...
View ArticleDeferred Action For All: A Common-Sense Step to Honor Immigrants' Contributions
President Obama's short-sighted decision to delay deportation relief for undocumented immigrants has rightly sparked outrage and indignation. Ultimately, the fallout from this latest broken promise...
View ArticleA Renewable Energy Future
If we assume that human civilization will continue for at least another 1000 years, then we will eventually arrive at a 100 percent renewable energy system. Whatever you believe about the existing...
View ArticleDoctors Aren't Dummies: Support the Patient Trust Act
Doctors aren't dummies. They don't need politicians to tell them what they can and can't say to patients, or how to administer tests and treatments. On September 8, the House Democratic Policy...
View ArticleWe Can Put An End to Pay to Play
What is Pay to Play? Commonly held, pay to play is a form of getting a special deal because you paid someone off. Usually this is an indirect transaction, because of clear legal guidelines, and so...
View ArticleCuomo Win!/Loses! II
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo squeaked through against his unknown Democratic primary opponent Zephyr Teachout. He eked out a 60-40 victory. "Squeaked"? "Eked"? Well, I never said politics or...
View ArticleWhy I'm Not Going To Ground Zero Today
Today is the first day in 12 years that I won't be downtown at the World Trade Center on the anniversary. How do I feel? It's complicated. One one hand, I still find that I'm surprised when someone...
View ArticleA Reluctant Warrior
President Barack Obama has always been a reluctant warrior. It is, in fact, one of the big reasons he was elected, since America had turned away from the cowboy swagger of Bush and Cheney by 2008....
View ArticleObama: President Who Pledged To Disengage Places U.S. On Permanent War...
Rocked by criticism for saying "We don't have a strategy yet" on the lengthy and dramatic rise of Isis, President Barack Obama tonight resorted to his tried and true technique lf defining events...
View ArticleGetting Ready for Hillary
In just about every interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton does, she is pressed on the issue of running in 2016. She wrote the book, she is making public appearances, and she is even going...
View ArticleTreat ISIS Like an Onion
Like layers of an onion, ISIS supporters can be carefully peeled away. But not if Obama goes into Syria and Iraq with a mallet. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a symptom -- not the cause...
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