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How Many of the Hundreds of Thousands of Untested Rape Kits in the US Are in...

For decades, anti-rape activists have been fighting to raise awareness about backlogged rape kits, the forensic evidence gathered after a rape report is made. And yet, today, the Department of Justice...

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Bowling Strikes Against the Carbon Kingpins

Scientists agree. Businesses agree. Economists agree. Even the Pentagon agrees -- climate change must be a national priority. In 2010, The National Security Strategy, a memo released by the White...

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Shylock and Ponzi Schemers

Anti-Semitism in Europe in the Middle Ages? Yes. Anti-Semitism in the United States in the 21st Century? Sadly, I am afraid that the answer is yes, too. I never thought it would be necessary to point...

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When Will We Learn?

Since the 2010 elections, much has been said about the growing importance of the Latino vote, an inexorably rising segment of the American electorate. The Latino electorate is growing in mostly blue...

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Why the Failed Paycheck Fairness Act Vote Matters

It has been quite the week for fair pay for women. On Monday, we witnessed a shameful act when opponents blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act in the Senate. On Tuesday, new data from the U.S. Census...

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The Drought of Climate Change Support

This summer, we've seen a continuation of the record-breaking heat and drought in the Southwest that began several years ago. In parts of Texas and Oklahoma, it's as bad as it was during the "Dust...

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The People's Climate March: Join Us on September 21 to Make History

An old friend recently got in touch to let me know he'll be joining me at the People's Climate March in New York City this weekend. He's coming from pretty far out of town, and he's not the type some...

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Friday Talking Points -- Congress Briefly Interrupts 3-Month Vacation to 'Work'

Congress followed up their recent five-week vacation with almost two whole weeks of actually doing their jobs, so to reward themselves they're now going to take off on another vacation. Until...

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Syria and the Ukraine -- A Contrast?

"Preachers say, 'Do as I say, not as I do.'" -- John Selden, Preaching Today's question is what is the difference between what the United States may or may not do in Syria and what Russia may or may...

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A War Worth Fighting, But We're Not There Yet

It appears that we may be going to war against the Islamic State (IS). I use the word "appears" advisedly, because appearances may be deceiving. It's true that we've already bombed almost 200 IS...

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Voter Wars: 'Step Away From the Polls. Step Away...'

Thinking of voting this November? A certain party might like you to reconsider... (Hint: It's spelled "G-O-P.")

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Sunday Roundup

This week brought a surprise: In a time of rampant division, we saw an entire people -- or at least 55 percent of them -- choose unity instead. On Thursday, 3.6 million Scots went to the polls and...

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Days of Action: Why We Vote

Something's happening here. Across the globe, millions of people have come together to send a unified message to our leaders: Climate change is real, and every nation must step up and take action --...

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An Independent Can Awaken 'Party' Zombies

Notes from Indian Country By Tim Giago (Nanwica Kciji) Native Sun News September 22, 2014 When you register as an Independent in South Dakota you are made to feel as if you are from Iowa or Wyoming and...

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Is the October Surprise That Democrats Could Ace November Midterms?

LISTEN HERE: By Mark Green Ron Christie and Gara Lamarche focus on Congress -- why it voted 3:1 for Obama's Syria-ISIS plan and who'll make the grade in the upcoming midterm exam? And they split on...

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Why Ordinary People Bear Economic Risks and Donald Trump Doesn't

Thirty years ago, on its opening day in 1984, Donald Trump stood in a dark topcoat on the casino floor at Atlantic City's Trump Plaza, celebrating his new investment as the finest building in Atlantic...

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Ken Burns' 'The Roosevelts' Reveals Everything Wrong With Our Current...

Ken Burns' seven-part PBS series on the lives of Theodore, Franklin, and Eleanor Roosevelt, The Roosevelts: An Intimate History, is a remarkable achievement. Burns sheds a poignant new light on the...

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The United Kingdom Nearly Died for Maggie's Sins

Why on earth did the Scots, largely quiescent as part of Great Britain for three centuries, suddenly become the mouse that roared? It wasn't because they became besotted watching re-runs of Braveheart...

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The World's Leaders Are Failing To Curb Corruption. Here's Why.

Rogue current and former dictators and global bribe-paying giant corporations are enjoying levels of impunity, placing them seemingly above the law, which only encourage international corruption and...

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Will the Neocons Eat French Fries Once Again?

To bolster its response to the ISIL threat, the U.S. has been steadily assembling an international coalition to degrade and eventually destroy the terrorist group. The State Department says that "over...

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